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IBM API Connect Administration Online Training in Hyderabad

IBM API Connect Administration


Duration: 30hrs

Course Content:

1)  Fundamentals, planning, designing  and architectural  view of  APIC
2)  Various API Connect offerings, Licensing details and use case
3) API Connect deployment overview (On Prem and Bluemix) 
4) API Connect for on-premises solution - clustering and security of each of the APIC component  ( Dev Portal, IDG, Collective controller/members , CMC  etc) 
5) Understanding of  APIC architectural components interaction,  network flow, ports details, communication (secure/non secure) and placement  of component across various network zone
6) Understanding of Polygot Runtime 
7) Backup and recovery of APIC environment 
8) Installation strategy manual and automated installation using automation tool like UCD or any image based installation ..

First Day Agenda.

1. Introduction of Application Architecture
2. REST / SOAP Introduction
3. Consume REST and SOAP (Various UI component in market) YAML/WADL/WSDL
4. Introduction of NODE.js /Express.js
5. One Sample App of NODE and Express.js 
6. Various Cloud Platform
7. IBM Bluemix(IBM API Connect)
8. Create Account of Bluemix
9. Loopback Framework 
10. Conclusion  

Second day agenda

1. Introduction of yaml and raml 
2. Loopbaclk  Node.js Framework 
3. One Loopback application Helloworld Demo 
4. Complete loopback API creation with MongoDB connector 
5. Some Other Connectors (MySQL /Oracle)
6. Some Loopback Application creation in IBM API connect 

Third day Agenda 

 1.How can we get create the relationship b/w model 
 2.Custom Methods in REST API creation in loopback 
 3.API Connect APIC toolkit environment and setup 
 4.Host the loopback application on IBM Bluemix cloud. 
 5.Secure the REST API