What is HP OMI?
Participants in this training learn how to use Operations Manager i (OMi) software. The course covers the skills needed by operations staff to manage events in a heterogeneous computing environment using OMi. While the focus of the course is on the OMi skills needed by operations staff, others who are interested in an introduction to OMi will also benefit. The course covers specific procedures necessary to own and act on events received by OMi and includes Event Perspectives, Health Perspectives, and Performance Perspectives.
Prerequisites N/A
Course Content:
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Enterprise Event Management
- Event Management Maturity Model
- Operations Bridge
- Automation of the Monitoring Lifecycle
- Discover Infrastructure and Events
- Analyze Events
- Automated Remediation
- Escalating Events
- Forwarded Events
- Collaborate Across Domains
- Notify and Collaborate
- OMi Capabilities and Consistency Across Domains
- Summary
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Operations Operator Workflow
- Navigate Events *
- The Event Lifecycle *
- Select the Highest Priority Event *
- Analyze Event Details *
- Graphs and Tools *
- Close a Resolved Event *
- Summary
- OMi Performance Graphs
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Accessing Performance Graphs
- Launch Graphs
- Hover View
- Toggle Metric On/Off
- Graphing Pane Options
- Graph Level Options
- Time Range Zoom
- Navigate to a Time Range
- Move to a Time Period
- View as Table
- Table Display Options
- View Graphs *
- Performance Perspective Tab
- The Graph Family Tree
- View Selected Graphs
- Ad-hoc Metrics
- Drag and Drop Metrics
- Create Graphs Using Metrics and Templates *
- Summary
OMi Tools
- Introduction
- Objectives
- OMi Tools
- Tool Basics
- Sample Tool - BBC Util Ping *
- Sample Tool - MS SQL Server Connection Check *
- Sample Tool - Databases Status *
- Sample Tool - OBA Customer Login *
- Summary
OMi Health Perspective
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Health Perspective and Event Perspective Views
- Health Indicators and Key Performance Indicators
- KPI Display
- KPI Status Indicators
- Health Perspective Highlights
- Accessing Details
- KPIs Over Time Report
- Change Report
- Business Impact Report
- Find Visible and Hidden Cis
- Path to Root
- Problematic Subtree
- CI Properties
- Errors
- Gather Information Using Health Perspectives *
- Summary