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ForgeRock Training in Hyderabad India

ForgeRock Identity Management

ForgeRock Identity Management, built from the OpenIDM open source project, allows you to manage the complete identity lifecycle of users, devices, and things. From identity to device registration, provisioning, synchronization, reconciliation, and more, your users and customers can move between magic. Turns out, you don’t have to be a wizard to manage it all.

ForgeRock training in hyderabad
ForgeRock Access Management

ForgeRock Access Management, built from the OpenAM open source project, bridges the gap.You deploy once, use what you want, and incrementally extend your capability as needed – without jumping through procurement and deployment hoops every time. There really is light at the end of the tunnel.

Course Content:

ForgeRock Access Management Product Overview

  • ForgeRock product suite overview
SSO deployment examples
  • Protecting internal applications
  • Controlling access to your web site
  • Integrating with your business partners
  • Client authentication
  • Built-in server authentication
  • Custom authentication
  • Protecting your application assets
  • Overview of policy functionality
  • Overview of federation technologies
  • Capabilities of federation
  • Integrating services using federation

ForgeRock Identity Management Product Overview (FR-111)

Introduction to ForgeRock platform
  • Describe the ForgeRock platform
  • Describe the platform use cases
Introduction to OpenIDM, use cases, and installation
  • Describe common OpenIDM use cases
  • Describe OpenIDM components and architecture
  • List prerequisites for the installation of OpenIDM
  • Describe the key OpenIDM features
Introduction to OpenICF
  • Describe the components of OpenICF
  • List the supported connectors in OpenICF
  • Describe how to configure a connector (high level)
  • Describe the general connector properties and Object Types
Introduction to the synchronization engine in OpenIDM
  • Describe various synchronization scenarios in OpenIDM
  • Describe how to configure synchronization
Introduction to workflows in OpenIDM
  • Describe the integration of Activiti into OpenIDM
  • Describe basic workflows in OpenIDM
  • Describe the most common BPMN building blocks
  • Describe the Activiti tools

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based on 251 Professionals and Students.