Advanced level XSLT (Stylesheets development)
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) is a styling language for XML.
XSLT stands for XSL Transformations.
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) is a styling language for XML.
XSLT stands for XSL Transformations.
Duration: 25hrs
Course Content:
- Introduction to XSLT
- Stylesheet, Source, and Result
- XSLT Processors
- Processor Implementations
- XPath Basics
- eXtensible Stylesheet Language
- An XSLT Stylesheet
- xsl:template
- xsl:value-of
- Whitespace and xsl:text
- Output Types
- Text
- XSLT Elements and Attributes
- xsl:element
- xsl:attribute
- Attributes and Curly Brackets
- XPath Path Expressions
- XPath in XSLT
- XPath Expression
- XPath Terminology
- Context Node
- Current Node
- Context Size
- Proximity Position
- Location Paths
- XPath Axes and Predicates
- Location Paths and Location Steps
- Peer Axis Types
- More Peer Axis Types
- Descendant Axis Types
- Ancestor Axis Types
- Node Tests
- Predicates
- Functions
- Node Test
- Predicate
- Accessing Nodes
- Abbreviated Syntax
- XPath Language Basics
- XPath Functions
- XPath Operators
- XPath Data Types
- XPath Expressions
- for Expressions
- if-then-else Expressions
- Flow Control in XSLT
- Looping in XSLT
- Sorting with XSLT
- Looping and Sorting
- Conditions with XSLT
- XSLT Templates, Parameters and Variables
- xsl:apply-templates
- xsl:call-template
- Comparing <xsl:apply-templates> and <xsl:call-template>
- Passing Parameters
- Removing Content
- Template Modes
- Template Priority
- Default Priorities
- Assigning Priorities
- XSLT Variables
- Multiple XML and XSLT Documents
- Including XSLTs
- Importing XSLTs
- Conflict resolution
- The document() Function
- The collection() Function
- Multiple Result Documents
- Grouping
- Grouping by Value
- Grouping Adjacent Elements
- Grouping by Starting and Ending Elements
- Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Syntax in XSLT
- The xsl:analyze-string Element
- Built-in Functions that Use Regular Expressions
- User-Defined Functions
- The xsl:function Element
- Function Names and Parameters
- Calling User-Defined Functions
- Using XPath and XSLT Functions
- XPath Datatypes and Functions
- Node Test Functions
- Node Set Functions
- Boolean Functions
- String Functions
- Number Functions
- id() Function
- The document() Function
- xsl:key and the key() Function
- Understanding the best suited techniques/approach for problem solving in different scenarios with some examples.
- Debugging
- Converting XML Documents into SVG Graphics
- Advanced XSLT Techniques
- Working with Namespaces
- What Are Namespaces?
- Declaring Namespaces in XSLT
- Namespace Declarations and XPath Expressions
- Working with Keys
- Key Basics
- <xsl:key/>
- The key() Function
- Improving Performance with Keys
- Cross References
- The Key Way
- The generate-id() Function
- Key Basics
- Working with Numbered Lists
- The position() function
- xsl:number
- Outputting Processing Instructions
- Copying Nodes
- xsl:copy
- xsl:copy-of
- Working with Namespaces