Kubernetes Administration Using Docker
Kubernetes is speedily becoming the de-facto standard to operate containerized applications at scale in the data-center. This course is designed to help you learn and master techniques of deploying, using, and maintaining applications on Kubernetes. One can learn to build apps in containers using docker and deploy those on a Kubernetes cluster using native OS tools such as Ubuntu, set up a cluster, and create container registry. This course would educate students about the excellent approaches to manage infrastructure with the help of Chief IT automation software.
Duration: 30hrs
Course Content:
- • Installing the Docker Engine
- • Creating our first Docker container
- • Building Docker images
- • Storing and retrieving Docker images from Docker Hub
- • Building containers from images
- • Networking Docker containers
- • Data persistence with Volumes
- • Using Docker into a Continuous Integration and Deployment process
2. Core Concepts of Kubernetes
- 1.Cluster Orchestration
- 2.Looking at K8S Origination at Google
- 3.Open Source
- 4.Benefits
- 5.Design Principles
3. Navigating Kubernetes Architecture
- 1.Master/Node
- 2.Kubectl
- 3.Replication Controller
- 4.Kubelet
- 5.Kube-Proxy
- 6.Persistent Volumes
- 7.Etcd
- 8.High Availability
4. Using Kubernetes Features
- 1.Pods
- 2.Labels
- 3.Services
- 4.Namespaces
- 5.Resource Quota
5. Security and Kubernetes
6. Networking and Kubernetes
8. Practical Kubernetes Examples
9. Continuous Integration with Kubernetes
10. Roadmap/Beta
- 1.Goals
- 2.Roles
- 3.Attribute Based Access Control
- 4.Policies
- 5.Service Accounts
- 6.Secrets
6. Networking and Kubernetes
- 1.Docker Networking
- 2.Kubernetes Networking
- 3.Pod to Pod
- 4.Exposing Services
- 5.IP Per Pod
- 6.Inter Pod Communication
- 7.Intra Pod Communication
- 1.Cluster DNS
- 2.Logging with Elasticsearch and Fluentd
- 3.Container Level Monitoring
- 4.cAdvisor
- 5.InfluxDB
- 6.Prometheus
8. Practical Kubernetes Examples
- 1.Hello World
- 2.Wordpress
- 3.Guestbook
- 4.3 Tier App
- 5.Http/Https Load Balancing
9. Continuous Integration with Kubernetes
- 1.Canary Release
- 2.Blue Green Deployment
- 3.A/B Testing
- 4.Rolling Update
- 5.Jenkins Plugin
10. Roadmap/Beta
- 1.Ingress
- 2.Deployments
- 3.Autoscaling
- 4.Jobs
- 5.DaemonSets
- 6.Network Plugins
- 7.DNS