WSO2 API Manager Developer
The WSO2 middleware integration platform is ideal for creating an API-centric or IOT-driven architecture. The WSO2 platform consist of several excellent modules like the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (WSO2 ESB), the WSO2 API manager (WSO2 APIM), the WSO2 Identity Server (WSO2 IS), the WSO2 Governance Registry (WSO2 GOV), the WSO2 Message Broker (WSO2 MB), the WSO2 Data Analytic Server, and many more modules. All of these modules are build on the award winning WSO2 Carbon framework.
Duration: 25hrs
Course Content:
Module 1
- WSO2 Platform Overview with an introducing of the WSO2 API manager
- Setup an WSO2 API management environment with DMZ/LAN configuration
- Creating, publishing and managing APIs
- Subscribing to and consuming APIs
- API access control and authorization (OAuth2)
- Analyzing runtime statistics
- Extending API management
- Managing the API gateway: access control (throttling, OAuth2 authorization)
Module 2
- Scalable Deployment Patterns
- Clustering the API Manager
- Distributed Deployment
- Tuning the API Manager
- WSO2 IS as a Key Manager
Module 3
- Extending API Management
- Custom Workflow Extension
- Custom Mediation Extension
- Custom Handler
- Grant Types Extension
- Registry Handler
- Fine Grained Policy Decisions using XACML
- Patch Applications Process
- Product Profiles
- Extending the API Lifecycle with fine grained access
- Notifying subscribers when a new version of an API is published
- Customization of product look and feel