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Kofax Transformation modules 6 Training Online

Kofax Transformation


 Kofax Transformation modules 6 Training Online

Duration: 40hrs

Course Content:

Module 1 - Class Introduction
A. Duration, prerequisites and materials
B. Goals
C. Class structure and module overviews

Module 2 - Kofax Transformation Modules (KTM) Overview
A. What is Kofax Transformation Modules?
B. When is KTM the appropriate solution?
C. Examples
1. Structured
2. Semi-structured
3. Unstructured (free-form) documents
D. Basic definitions
1. Classification
2. Separation
3. Extraction
E. Kofax Transformation Modules licensing
F. Program Group components
G. Integration with Kofax Capture: Synchronization and batch workflow
H. Licensing

Module 3 - Installing Kofax Transformation Modules
A. Hardware requirements
B. System requirements
C. Standalone installation
D. Client/Server installation
E. Quiet mode installation
F. Service Configuration Tool
G. Activating

Module 4 - The Project Builder GUI; Classification & Extraction Overview
A. Project Builder GUI orientation
1. Ribbon Bar – Basic navigation
2. Project hierarchy
3. Panels – display and docking
4. Document Viewer
5. Script Editor
6. Project Settings
B. XDoc Files
1. What they are
2. How they are created
3. The XDoc Browser Tool
C. Classification Overview
a) Layout classification
b) Content classification
c) Instruction classification
D. Separation Overview
E. Selecting one or more Classification Methods
F. Extraction Overview
1. Locators
2. Fields
3. Formatters
4. Dictionary Files
G. Validation Overview
1. Methods
2. Rules

Module 5 - Starting With the Familiar…
A. Fixed Form Extraction
1. Bar Code Locators
a) Setup and testing
2. Advanced Zone Locators
a) Recognition Profiles
b) Automatic Background Removal
c) Image Cleanup Profiles
d) Anchor Zones
e) Subfields
f) OMR Zones and OMR Group Zones
3. Mapping Locator Output to Fields
4. Kofax Capture Batch Class Creation
5. Synchronizing and Publishing
6. Processing a Batch

Module 6 -The Power of KTM – Handling Variety; Where do I Start?
1. Acquiring document knowledge
2. Classification
3. Extraction
4. Separation
5. Formatters
6. Dictionaries
7. Validation Rules & Methods

Module 7 - Document Sets
A. Test Sets
1. Reference Sets and Golden Files
2. The Classification Benchmark Tool
B. Training Sets
1. Classification
2. Extraction
C. Selection List
D. New Samples

Module 8 - Extracting Data Based on Format: Format Locators
A. Regular Expressions
B. Evaluation Keywords

Module 9 - Using Trainable Locators for Invoice Processing
A. Generic Knowledge Bases
B. Training for specific learning for top vendors
1. The Image Classifier Tool
C. Invoice Group Locators
D. Order Group Locators
E. Amounts Group Locators
F. Adding KTM Verification
1. Purpose
2. Setup
G. Batch processing

Module 10 - Trainable Group Locators
A. Uses and limitations
B. Setup and training
C. Testing

Module 11 - Knowledge Base Maintenance and Management
A. Extraction Level and Project Level Loops for Specific Knowledge Bases
B. Time Intervals for Maintenance
C. Handling New Samples
D. Importing Documents
E. Creating Specific Knowledge Bases
F. De-selecting  document samples
G. Retraining, resynchronizing and republishing

Module 12 - Standard Evaluators
A. Uses
B. Setup and Testing
C. Output

Module 13 - Database Locators and Lookups
A. Database Setup
B. The Search and Matching Server
C. Database Locator Properties
1. Thresholds
2. Search Masks
D. Database Fields
E. Fuzzy lookups during Validation
F. ODBC/SQL/Oracle lookups during Validation
G. Kofax Capture setup and processing

Module 14 - Extracting Line Item Detail: Manual Mode Table Locators and Table Fields
A. Table locators
B. Table Settings
1. Table column pool
2. Table models
a) Using an existing model
b) Adding a new model
c) Configuring the model
C. Manual Table setup vs. Automatic Table setup
D. Validation setup
E. Kofax Capture setup and processing
F. Manual Mode Processing – How to
1. Sample image selection
2. Creating a master item
3. Defining columns
4. Setting up a Table Field
5. Testing
G. Setting up KTM Validation
H. Kofax Capture setup and processing

Module 15 - Remote Thin Client Validation and Verification
A. Purpose
B. Features
C. Server requirements, installation and configuration
D. User Profiles
E. Operation

Module 16 - Classifying by Matching Words or Phrases; Multiple Classification Methods; Standard Separation
A. Instruction Classification Setup
1. Adding instructions
2. Saving and training
3. Testing
B. Combining multiple classification methods
C. General settings for classification
D. Standard KTM Document Separation
1. How it works
2. Settings for separation
3. Multi-page documents

Module 17 - Content Classification, Auto Clustering and Trainable Document Separation (TDS)
A. Classifying by Content – The Adaptive Feature Classifier
1. Comparison to Layout Classification
B. Creating a Training Set
1. Gathering Documents
2. Creating and Importable Electronic Folder Structure
C. Importing Folder Structure
D. Training
E. Auto clustering
F. Building a TDS configuration
G. Testing
H. Separation Benchmarking