EJB 3 Online Training
Duration: 35-40
- Proficiency in Java.
Course Content:
1. Overview of EJB 3.0
What is an EJB?
Why should you use EJB?
When should you not use EJB?
What's new in EJB 3.0?
2. The EJB 3.0 Simplified API
A quick review of annotations in Java 5
Overview of using annotations to develop EJB
Annotations vs. Deployment descriptors
3. Interceptors
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in JEE
Intercepting methods
Building Interceptor Classes
4. Session Beans
Developing Stateless and Stateful beans
Related Annotations
Life-cycle of session beans
Session bean best practices
Linking UML modeling constructs with Session Beans
5. Message-Driven Beans
Introduction to asynchronous beans
Introduction to the Java Message Service (JMS) API
Configuring the activation context
Configuring the JMS message providers
6. Injectors
What are Injectors?
Using injectors to access resources and EJBs
Accessing the EJB context and the Environment Naming Context (ENC)
Setter injection
Simplifying lookup of beans and resources using injectors
Annotation used for injection
7. Java Persistence API (JPA)
Overview of Java Persistence API for EJB 3.0
Entity class and O/R mappings
Overview of packing and deploying entities
8. Entities
Persistent fields and properties
Entity relationship mappings
Inheritance mappings
Annotations and XML descriptors for defining mappings
9. Entity Operations
The Entity Manager interface
Entity instance life cycle
Entity listeners and callback methods
10. Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL)
Overview of EJB 3.0 query language
Writing portable queries based on Entities
Building native queries for performance
Building custom finders
Automatic storage of query results in plain old Java objects (POJO)
11. EJB Timer Service
Overview of Timer Service
Timer Service APIs
Using injectors to inject Timer Service
Programming with Timer Service
Scheduling recurring tasks
12. EJB Transactions
Container vs. Bean managed transactions
Container-managed transaction attributes
Transaction propagation
Accessing the User Transaction service using injectors
Invoking the User Transaction service using JTA
Transaction Isolation attributes
Session Synchronized Stateful Session Beans
Transactions and exceptions
Using annotation to specify transaction attributes
13. EJB Security
Security annotations
Roles, Groups and Permissions
Declarative vs. Programmatic security
Accessing the Security services using the EJB Context
Switching the security context
14. Migrating Pre-EJB 3.0 Applications
Interoperability of EJB 3.0 with earlier components
Adapting EJB 3.0 session beans to earlier clients
Coexistence of EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.1 APIs in bean classes