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RSA Archer Advanced Administration Training in Hyderabad India

RSA Archer Advanced Administration


The Advanced RSA Archer Administration training course provides training on the administration, configuration and best-practice deployment of the RSA Archer Platform. Throughout the course, Participants will be presented with a diverse collection of real-world governance, risk, and compliance problems and be shown and guided through the recommended steps involved in solving these pain points by using the features available in the RSA Archer eGRC Suite.

Duration: 35-40hrs

Course Content:

Streamlining GRC Processes

  • Replicating a multi-stage workflow to transfer a manual, paper – based process to an automated, online tool
  • Constructing a scalable access control framework for enabling end users to participate in GRC processes
  • Automating and manipulating data through calculations to support enhanced data analytics and reduce data entry time
  • Designing best-practice online forms to ensure user adoption of the system

Integrating External Data
  • Transferring leveled, document-centric policies into a data-centric format in the RSA Archer Platform
  • Using a data feed targeting flat file sources to quickly transfer legacy data to a centralized system
  • Creating a data feed to access an RSS source and retrieve the information into an RSA Archer application
  • Transferring data between RSA Archer applications to support data trending and reduce manual effort
Showcasing Enterprise Information
  • Generating real-time reports across distant data relationships to provide greater insights into GRC processes
  • Designing a user-friendly dashboard and interface to clearly communicate the posture of various business units
  • Importing compliance questions into RSA Archer’s global question library
  • Creating an assessment campaign to demonstrate compliance with internal and external regulations
  • Managing question scoring and findings generation to better understand the risk impact to the organization
  • Referencing existing assessment responses in future assessments
Publishing Data Across the Enterprise
  • Delivering snapshot reports on a set schedule to inform key stakeholders of the current status
  • Exporting RSA Archer data to email and Word templates to generate professional-looking, document-based reports for senior management
  • Discussing strategies for publishing RSA Archer data to external databases
  • Migrating applications and configurations from a development environment to a production environment
  • Troubleshooting common RSA Archer issues to ensure effective system operations