Angular 8
Google is on the verge to release the latest version 8.0 of Angular Web App Framework in May 2019. The new rendering engine “IVY” was expected in February last year with the first opt-in technical preview which will now be released for the developers with the Ivy compiler and runtime instructions which will be focused on moving applications and the developers will not have to rewrite the application.
Angular8 Training Course Content
1. Introduction to Angular
- Introduction to Angular
- What is Angular?
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Setting up Development Environment
- Your first Angular App
- Structure of Angular Apps
- Web Pack
2. Angular Fundamentals
- Introduction
- Building Blocks of Angular Apps
- Components
- Generating Components using Angular CLI
- Templates
- Directives
- Services
- Dependency Injection
- Generating Services using Angular CLI
3. Display Data and Handling Events
- Introduction
- Property Binding
- Attribute Binding
- Adding Bootstrap
- Class Binding
- Style Binding
- Event Binding
- Template Variables
- Two Way Bindings
- Pipes
- Custom Pipes
4. Building Re usable Components
- Introduction
- Component API
- Input Properties
- Aliasing Input Properties
- Output Properties
- Passing event data
- Aliasing Output Properties
- Templates
- Styles
- View Encapsulation
- ngContent
- ngContainer
5. Directives
- Introduction
- ngIF
- Hidden Property
- ngSwitch Case
- ngFor
- ngFor and Change Detection
- ngFor and Track By
- The Leading Asterisk
- ngClass
- ngStyle
- Safe Traversal Operator
- Creating Custom Directives
6. Template Driven forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Types of Forms
- ngModel
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Style Invalid Input
- Cleaner Templates
- ngForm
- ng Model Group
- Control Classes and Directives
- Disabling the submit button
- Working with Check boxes
- Working with Drop down lists
- Working with Radio Buttons
- Introduction
- JSON Placeholder
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Updating Data
- onInit Interface
- Separation of Concerns
- Extracting a service
- Handling Errors
- Handling unexpected errors
- Handling Expected Errors
- Throwing Application Specific Errors
- Handling Bad Request errors
- Import Observable Operators and Factory Methods
- Global Error Handling
- Extracting Reusable Error Handling Method
- Extracting Reusable, a Data Service
- The Map Operator
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic updates
7. Consuming HTTP Services
8. Routing and Navigation
- Introduction
- Routing in a Nutshell
- Configure routes
- Router Outlet
- Router Link
- Router Link Active
- Getting Route Parameters
- Why Routes parameters are observable
- Routes with Multiple Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Subscribing to Multiple Observable
- The Switch Map Operator
- Programmatic Navigation
- Displaying Toast notification.
9. Wrap Up
Bangalore, Melbourne, Chicago, Hyderabad, San Francisco, London, New York, Toronto, India, Chennai, Delhi, Dubai, Gurgaon, Houston, kolkata, Mumbai, Noida, Pune, Singapore, Los Angeles, Sydney, Jersey City, San Jose
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