Apache HTTPD Administration
Duration: 25-30hrs
Course Content:
- Introduction to Apache
- Downloading Apache
- Installing Apache on Windows using a pre-built binary
- Installing Apache on Unix/Linux from source
- Compilation options
- Dynamic vs. static compilation of modules
- Re-compiling
- Testing Installation
- Starting and Stopping Apache
- Starting/Stopping Apache on Windows
- Apache Monitor
- Apache Executable
- Windows Service
- Starting/Stopping Apache on Unix/Linux
- Apache Executable
- apachectl script
- Install Apache as a Service
- Modules
- Overview of Apache Modules
- Installing Modules
- The Apache Configuration Files
- The contents of the /conf directory
- The httpd.conf file
- Directives
- Sections
- The Include Directive
- The Options Directive
- The Installed Directories
- The htaccess File
- Overview of .htacces files
- Configuring .htaccess
- The AllowOverride directive
- Setting directory authentication
- Allowing CGI scripts
- Performance Issues
- Virtual Hosts
- Overview of Virtual Hosting
- IP-Based Virtual Hosts
- Name-based Virtual Hosts
- Port-based Virtual Hosts
- Bulk Virtual Hosting
- MIME and File Types
- Overview of MIME Types
- Configuring MIME Types
- Encoding Files
- Character Sets
- Languages
- URL Mapping
- Configuring Aliases
- Configuring Redirects
- The DocumentRoot Directive
- Error Documents
- Overview of mod_rewrite
- Directory Indexing
- The DirectoryIndex Directive
- Fancy Indexing
- Headers and Footers
- Ignoring Files
- Searching and Sorting
- Performance Tuning
- The ApacheBench Utility Program
- Tweaking the Apache Configuration
- Configuring Apache MPMs (prefork, worker, winnt)
- Handlers and Filters
- Overview of Handlers
- The Section
- Configuring Handlers
- The server-status Handler
- Overview of Filters
- Configuring Filters
- Overview of SSI
- Configuring SSI
- Using SSI Directives
- Managing Scripts
- Overview of scripting options
- The mod_perl Module
- Configuring mod_perl
- Installing PHP on Windows
- Configuring PHP
- Security
- Common Security Issues with Apache
- Dynamic Content Issues
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Access Control
- Unix File Permissions
- Configuring Apache for SSL
- Overview of SSL
- Installing mod_ssl
- Generating SSL certificates
- Configuring mod_ssl