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F5 APM Training in Hyderabad India


F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager® (APM) is a secure, flexible, high-performance access management proxy solution that delivers unified global access control for your users, devices, applications, and application programming interfaces (APIs).

F5 APM training course will enable you to design a BIG-IP APM. After completion of this course, you will be able to design, implement, maintain and troubleshoot APM in multiple application environments. When you complete this training course you will be able to create a policy that provides an SSL VPN resource to users, and create a policy that provides a dynamic landing web page with both SSL virtual private numbers (VPN) as well as on OWA resource.

Duration: 30hrs

Course Content:

1. Application Policy Manager 1

2. Application Policy Manager 2

3. Application Policy Manager 3

3. APM 4

4. APM 5

5. APM 6

6. APM 7

7. APM 8