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PL/1 Training in Hyderabad india


PL/I (Programming Language One) is a procedural, imperative computer programming language developed and published by IBM. It is designed for scientific, engineering, business and system programming. It has been used by academic, commercial and industrial organizations since it was introduced in the 1960s, and is still used.

PL/I's main domains are data processing, numerical computation, scientific computing, and system programming. It supports recursion, structured programming, linked data structure handling, fixed-point, floating-point, complex, character string handling, and bit string handling. The language syntax is English-like and suited for describing complex data formats with a wide set of functions available to verify and manipulate them

Ecorptrainings Offers Advanced and Personalized Instructor Led Online training on PL/1 which gives you the opportunity to interact with a PL/1 instructor and help you enhance yourself to meet the demands of the industry.

Duration: 30hrs

Course Content:


Introduction to PL/1 
Character set, data names, comments, statements, program structure, scope of data declared in procedures. 
Defining data 
Variables: names, values, attributes; string data, bit strings, arithmetic data: fixed point decimal and binary, floating point, precision, picture variables, decimal point, constants; structures, initialising structures; redefining fields; LIKE; static and automatic variables, aligned data. 
Operations, expressions, and assignments 
PL/1 operators: arithmetic, comparison, logical, string; expressions; delimiters; boolean conditions; assignments, conversion during evaluation of expressions, intermediate fields.
Program control statements 
DO groups; IF - THEN - ELSE; compound conditions; nested IF statements, labels; SELECT; DO WHILE, DO UNTIL, controlled DO; common errors with DO groups; CALL with procedures. 
Built-in functions (1) 
SUBSTR, STRING, INDEX, VERIFY, DATETIME, ADDR, ABS, ROUND, SUM, ADD, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, MIN, MAX, HIGH, LOW, TRANSLATE, pseudovariables. (Other built-in functions will be covered later.) 
Stream and consecutive record I/O 
Declaring files; GET, PUT, EDIT, SKIP, DATA, LIST; record processing, ON ENDFILE, READ, WRITE. 
Processing VSAM files
Declaring VSAM files, ENV options and file attributes; error handling, ONCODES; processing statements for sequential and random access: READ, WRITE, REWRITE, DELETE.
Compiling programs 
Compile-time options, %INCLUDE, output, nesting levels, procedure block levels; link editor map. 
Defining arrays; cross section of an array; array of structures; HBOUND, LBOUND; array operations; multi-dimensional arrays.
Edited picture fields and printer files 
Zero suppression, decimal point, CR, DB, insertion characters, sign, currency symbol: $ or £, *, page handling, ON ENDPAGE.
Error handling and ON conditions 
ON units, SIGNAL, common conditions. 
Procedures, functions, and program control 
Procedures, BEGIN blocks, CALL, RETURN, procedure calls with and without parameters; function calls with and without parameters; PLIRETC; ENTRY, external CALLs. 
Built-in functions
Arithmetic functions: ABS, MAX, MIN, ROUND, SIGN, MOD, ADD, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, FLOOR, CEIL; character functions: HIGH, LOW; array functions: DIM, HBOUND, LBOUND; miscellaneous functions: ANY, ALL, SUM, REPEAT, LENGTH, LINENO, UNSPEC. 
Advanced topics
Using based variables and pointers; creating and processing linked lists.