Creating and Customizing Workflows Using OnCommand Workflow Automation (CCWWFA)
Duration: 25-30hrs
Course Content:
- OnCommand portfolio
- WFA installation and configuration
- Challenges WFA can resolve
- WFA interfaces
- WFA roles
- WFA architecture
- Workflow design
- Commands
- Functions
- Templates
- Data source design
- Content manager
- Running workflows
- Workflow design recommendations
- Design a workflow
- OnCommand WFA architecture
- Modular workflows
- Types of user inputs
- Modifying user inputs
- Using constants
- Adding return parameters
- Add approval points
- Repeat rows in a workflow
- Incremental naming
- Verify resource reservation and element existence
- Conditional execution
- Workflow categorization
- Creating filters and finders
- Creating a command
- Command categories
- Creating a template
- Creating a function
- Creating a data source
- Creating customized workflows
- WFA packs for the FlexPod solution
- WFA tasks for REST APIs
- Key support resources for REST APIs
- WFA powerShell Cmdlets
- Support links
- Specific OnCommand WFA commands to automate storage