ILOG CPLEX Optimization
We provide custom IBM ILOG CPLEX training that is specifically tailored to your needs, using the typical problems in your industry. Coverage includes MILP or CPO, OPL language or programmatic APIs (C, C++, Java, Python), and Advanced techniques (column generation, Bender's decomposition).
Duration: 25-30hrs
Course Content:
Course Introduction
- Introduction to Operations Research (OR) and IBM ILOG CPLEX Studio recaps on OR, mathematical programming and type of mathematical programming. While, we will explore some examples of optimization problems with CPLEX.
Introduction to CPLEX Studio
- A first model
- Data manipulation
- Data manipulation exercise
- Exercise: Gaining familiarity with the CPLEX Studio IDE
Working with OPL
- Important OPL keywords and examples
- Supply chain models
- Supply chain exercise
- Logical constraints
- Logical constraints exercise
- Types of objective functions
- Named constraints
- Named constraints exercise
Introduction to Constraint Programming
- Sudoku
- Scheduling with CP
- A first scheduling model
- Cumul functions
- Cumul function exercise
- Your problem definition – variables and constraints
- Scheduling with CP Optimizer
Advanced Models
- Intensity
- Intensity exercise
- Sequences, states, and nooverlap
- Sequences exercise
- Alternative and span
- Alternative and span exercise
Modeling and Debuggings Tips