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Alation Data Catalog Training Course in Hyderabad India

Alation Data Catalog Training Course

A Data Catalog is a collection of metadata, combined with data management and search tools, that helps analysts and other data users to find the data that they need, serves as an inventory of available data, and provides information to evaluate fitness data for intended uses.

Why Do We Need a Data Catalog?

The data management benefits of a data catalog become apparent by reflecting on the value of metadata and the capabilities that are created with comprehensive metadata. The greatest value, however, is often seen in the impact on analysis activities. We work in an age of self-service analytics. IT organizations can’t provide all of the data needed by the ever-increasing numbers of people who analyze data. But today’s business and data analysts are often working blind, without visibility into the datasets that exist, the contents of those datasets, and the quality and usefulness of each. They spend too much time finding and understanding data, often recreating datasets that already exist. They frequently work with inadequate datasets resulting in inadequate and incorrect analysis. Figure 2 illustrates how analysis processes change when analysts work with a data catalog.

Course Duration: 25-30hrs

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