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Genesys Interaction Recording UI eLibrary

Course Description

Genesys Interaction Recording User Interface eLibrary is a series of eLearning episodes which can provide students with an introduction to Genesys Interaction Recording SpeechMiner User Interface. Topics available for students to learn: SpeechMiner User Interface Explore menu, Searching Calls, Managing Call Lists, Using Media Player. Using explanations, demonstrations, and click-through simulations students learn essential skills in SpeechMiner Recording UI within each episode.


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Course Topics

1. Introduction (Audience: administrator/supervisor/operator)
 Describe the SpeechMiner Recording UI
 Successfully log in to SpeechMiner Recording UI
 Describe the major menus and their sub pages of the SpeechMiner Recording UI
2. Explore(Audience: administrator/supervisor/operator)
 Describe the Search Results Grid
 Understand available Search Filters
 Demonstrate a search based on date and metadata filters
 Manage Saved Searched
 Describe SpeechMiner Media Player and identify its actions
 Demonstrate Call Comment actions through SpeechMiner Media Player
 Describe and create static call lists
 Practice Batch Actions