HP Service Virtualization
HP Service Virtualization Training course provides Participants with the skills needed to effectively use and manage the HP Service Virtualization software product. This course focuses on the basics of component and service testing and integrations with HP Test Automation tools.
Duration: 32hrs
Course Content:
Introduction to Service Virtualization
- Define service virtualization in a composite application environment
- Define features and benefits of HP Service Virtualization
Introduction to HP Virtual Service
- Define features and benefits of SV
- Identify the functionality of SV
- Identity the components and architecture of SV
- Start SV
Creating Virtual Services
- Define virtual services and virtual services projects
- Identify the types of virtual services
- Work with virtual services
- Create a virtual service
- Define virtual service modes
- Work with service templates
- Learn service behavior
- Simulate in SV
- Monitor virtual services
- Discover virtual services
Using the Virtual Service Editor
- Navigate the Virtual Service Editor
- Manage virtual services
- Work with virtual services
Working with Data Models
- Define simulation modeling
- Identify types of simulation models
- Define data modeling
- Identify the components of a data model
- Work with data rules
- Define data rule configuration
- Work with data models
- Perform a simulation
Working with Performance Models
- Define features of performance modeling
- Define the need for performance modeling
- Navigate the Performance Model Editor
- Configure the Performance model
Advanced Data Models – Data Rules
- Define rule functions
- Identify categories of rule functions
- Work with external data sources
- Perform data masking
Advanced Data Models – Data Driving
- Define data driving
Schema Learning
- Define schema learning
- Identify a supported schema document
- Learn a schema
- Import messages
Managing Service Virtualization Servers
- Manage the Service Virtualization Server
- Configure HTTP ports
REST Services
- Define the REST protocol
- Define SV agents for REST
Integrating HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- Define the functionality of ALM
- Identify the ALM testing process
- Identify components of SV integration with ALM
- Work with ALM integration
Integrating HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT)
- Define HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT)
- Identify components of SV integration with UFT
- Integrate SV with UFT
Integrating Performance Center and LoadRunner
- Defining the functionality of HP Performance Center (PC)
- Identify the components of PC
- Define the functionality of HP LoadRunner (LR)
- Identify the components of LR
- Identify the LR testing process
- Identify components of SV integration with PC and LR
- Define Vuser in LR/PC terminology
- Integrate SV with PC and LR
Composite Application Topology
- Define composite application topology
- Navigate the Topology Editor
- Model composite application topology and create a topology
- Test composite applications by:
- Reconfiguring clients in topologies
- Learning service behavior in topologies
- Simulating service behavior in topologies
Service Virtualization Stateful Simulation
- Define the need for stateful simulation
- Implement stateful simulation
Installing and Deploying Service Virtualization
- Identify SV installation procedures
- Install Service Virtualization Server and Designer licenses
- Deploy virtual services