ISACA CGEIT certification course provides you with in-depth coverage on the GEIT Framework and its implementation, strategic alignment, benefits realization, risk and resource optimization and Performance measurement. This course is designed specifically for Senior Managers, CIOs, Compliance and IS Professionals, and those looking for more efficient and effective practices to manage IT resources.
Course Outline
CGEIT Domain 1: Framework for the Governance of Enterprise IT
Ensure the definition, establishment, and management of a framework for the governance of enterprise IT in alignment with the mission, vision and values of the enterprise.
CGEIT Domain 2: Strategic Management
Ensure that IT enables and supports the achievement of enterprise objectives through the integration and alignment of IT strategic plans with enterprise strategic plans.
CGEIT Domain 3: Benefits Realization
Ensure that IT-enabled investments are managed to deliver optimized business benefits and that benefit realization outcome and performance measures are established, evaluated and progress is reported to key stakeholders.
CGEIT Domain 4: Risk Optimization
Ensure that an IT risk management framework exists to identify, analyze, mitigate, manage, monitor, and communicate IT-related business risk, and that the framework for IT risk management is in alignment with the enterprise risk management (ERM) framework.
CGEIT Domain 5: Resource Optimization
Ensure the optimization of IT resources including information, services, infrastructure and applications, and people, to support the achievement of enterprise objectives.